The Walla Walla Basin Watershed Council began its small-order stream and spring monitoring program in 2002 after the agreement to leave base flows in the main stem of the Walla Walla River went into effect.  This network's purpose is to provide the community with supplemental water flow data, which can aid the management of the valley's water and support or assuage the fears of the concerned water users.
The Walla Walla Basin Watershed Council currently monitors 24 sites in the Walla Walla Valley, including springs, small-order streams, and irrigation ditch sites.  This monitoring network covers an area bounded by Walla Walla, Milton-Freewater, and Touchet.  Many of these sites are equipped to provide near real-time data (see links below).  Data for our stand-alone monitoring locations is updated on a quarterly basis.  Below is a map showing current WWBWC monitoring sites and also sites monitored by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD), and Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE).  To view available data and web links for each site, click on a point. The Google Earth (.kmz) file is also available for download by clicking on the link below.  To view historical data, please view our Historical Streamflow Data page.  For information regarding how the streamflow data were collected please see the WWBWC's Standard Operating Procedures.
If you have questions about this page or the streamflow monitoring network please contact:
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Funding Source:  Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) and Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)

Download the Google Earth Streamflow Map (.kmz file)

Download the WWBWC's Standard Operating Procedures V1.3 (2018)

Download the WWBWC's Standard Operating Procedures V1.2 (2013) 

State and Federal Flow Data

USGS Nationwide Flow Data

OR Water Resources Department Flow Data 

WA Department of Ecology Flow Data 

NOAA Flood Forecast for the Walla Walla River near Touchet

NRCS Snow Water Equivalent in the Walla Walla Blue Mountains

WWBWC Near Real-Time Gage Stations

Asterisk (*) before the name means the site is manually downloaded typically every two weeks


Walla Walla River (S-100s)
Site ID Monitoring Page Seven Day Hydrograph
S-103 South Fork Walla Walla River at Walla Walla River Road Bridge Click to View
S-104 *North Fork Walla Walla River at Walla Walla River Road Bridge Click to View
S-105 Walla Walla River at Milton-Freewater: OWRD ( Historical WWBWC Data
S-107 Walla Walla River Below Tum-A-Lum Bridge Click to View
S-108 Walla Walla River at Pepper Bridge: WDOE ( Historical WWBWC Data
S-142 *Couse Creek at River Mile 1.1 Click to View
Little Walla Walla River/Walla Walla River Irrigation District (S-200s)
Site ID Monitoring Page Seven Day Hydrograph
S-203 Ford Ditch at Milton-Freewater Click to View
S-204 HBDIC Canal at Milton-Freewater Click to View
S-211 End of Crockett Ditch at Crockett Road Click to View
S-212 West Branch of the West Crockett Ditch at Appleton Road Click to View
S-228 Ford Ditch at Appleton and Winesap Road Click to View
Mud Creek/Fruitvale Water Users Association (S-300s)
Site ID Monitoring Page Seven Day Hydrograph
S-318 Fruitvale Irrigation Ditch Click to View
Pine Creek/Hudson Bay District Improvement Company (S-400s)
Site ID Monitoring Page Seven Day Hydrograph
S-416T Pine Creek at Schubert Road Click to View
S-426 HBDIC Canal at Schubert Road Click to View

Streamflow Map

Region ID Region Name
S-100s Walla Walla River
S-200s Little Walla Walla River/Walla Walla River Irrigation District
S-300s Mud Creek/Fruitvale Water Users Association
S-400s Pine Creek/Hudson Bay District Improvement Comapny
S-500s Mill Creek
S-600s Touchet River
